You can find me at SoWa again this summer! Touted as the best outdoor shopping in Boston, at SoWa Open Market you can buy top-notch items from local artisans, making everything from couture fashion and leather accessories to jewelry, ceramics, and glassware.
You can find us at SoWa on the following Sunday dates:
June 2, 2013, June 23, 2013, July 14, 2013, August 18, 2013, September 22, 2013 and October 27, 2013

SoWa Open Market is an open air crafts and art market, in the cultural district of Boston located South of Washington Street, showcasing handmade goods by talented small business owners from all over New England and beyond.
Darn!! I’m going to be in Boston this Saturday (but the weather is looking terrible). I’ll have to make another trip out sometime this summer. It looks like a great event. (And I love your stuff.)