Gem scholars suggest that the tradition of birthstones arose from ‘The Priestly Breastplate’ which was a sacred breastplate worn by the High Priest of the Israelites, according to the book of Exodus. The ceremonial religious garment was set with twelve gemstones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel and also corresponded with the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve months of the year.
The custom of wearing birthstones reportedly became popular in Poland in the fifteenth or sixteenth century. Birthstones originally may have been worn each month by everyone, since the powers of the gemstone were heightened during its month.
Birthday Gemstones:
January – Garnet
February – Amethyst
March- Aquamarine | Bloodstone
April – Diamond
May – Emerald
June – Moonstone |Alexandrite | Pearl
July – Ruby
August – Peridot
September – Sapphire
October – Tourmaline | Opal
November – Topaz | Citrine
December – Tanzanite | Turquoise | Zircon